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by lizardfreak321 at 12:44 PM
(6,562 Views / 8 Likes)
Hello, everyone,

The swear filter is one of the most debated things on ShadowXCraft. It's currently much less strict, and doesn't mute you until several attempts at swearing. I have spent many hours on the filter making it have few false positives, and I have tried to make it a good balance between what to filter, and what not to filter.

This is a moral debate about what is right and wrong. The important thing to remember is that what you think is morally okay, another player or player's parent may not believe it to be morally okay. Minecraft's online playerbase is likely the most diverse playerbase of any video game in the entire world.

The staff are proposing making it toggleable, where people can choose whether or not they can see swears. For those of us that are on the moral side of the debate that believes that kids being exposed to the explicit language is wrong, we do have concerns. We also have concerns about people abusing the freedom.

More moderation would be...
by Koolman123 at 5:35 PM
(67,471 Views / 3 Likes)
Hey everyone! So you may have heard about the tree movement on social media. Myself @FirePie123 & @holyjullian are planning to host an event where we can get all of you guys to plant 20 million trees on the server and help participate on this movement. I will be making a video on this if you guys are down to help. Planting 20 million trees may not be possible, but we could possibly do it for your help! The deadline to plant the trees is by the end of 2019. This can help because people can be impacted to donate to help the environment. So, if you're interested to be in this movement with us, please don't hesitate to join us! Thank you so much, it really means a lot. #TeamTrees

~Koolman123 :D
by lizardfreak321 at 5:07 PM
(72,466 Views / 7 Likes)

After about one and a half years without events, we will be starting them up again!

We did not have an event in the first week of May.
We will start with a TurfWars event on either the 11th. Done!
We will follow with bridges (if I can get it working properly) on the 18th at 5:00 PM EDT. Done!
We will then have BattleZones on the 25th at 5:00 PM EDT.

Please participate in the poll to help us determine when the event should take place.
Remember, the time zone is EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), which is the time zone of the east coast of the United States.

Gather all of your friends for these events!

Edit: The turfwars event was great!
by rJayT2 at 11:41 AM
(73,576 Views / 8 Likes)
Good morning ShadowXCraft!

So over the last week or so, you may have noticed some rank changes among staff members. These were necessary changes that reflect the direction we are trying to go in 2019 and we believe these new rolls will be the best fit for the individuals affected.

Jr. Staff jlnz, previously known as Joejoe50 and Itsjoebrah, is promoted to the rank of Developer joining Bahke and X1X. They will be key figures in the new ShadowXCraft later this year.

Jr. Staff Koolman is promoted to the rank of Builder. This better reflects his current role on the server and he is really good at building.

Helper ADTR_, previously known as MeromeTDM, is promoted to the rank of Moderator.

Join us in congradulating Joe, Kool and Merome on their promotions and new roles!

Lastly, among those changes, I am stepping down as an Administrator effective immediately. I am taking on a lesser role as Moderator. Because my job in real life takes away so much of my time I haven't had the time...
by lizardfreak321 at 11:33 AM
(73,953 Views / 8 Likes)
Hello everyone! Happy New Year!

ShadowXCraft is still in development. We acknowledge that 2018's goals were not met. However, we are still working hard to get them done. Everything noted here is not guaranteed. These are our plans.

In 2019, ShadowXCraft will become a less PVP-centered server. We may release a PVP gamemode far into the future, but the Minecraft community has moved away from highly competitive PVP. In 2016 we moved towards a more structured, competitive PVP setup. Unfortunately, that is when PVP went out of style and some players moved to other games. Even servers like Badlion died due to this. We're still running!

Prison 2.0 is still advancing. It's still the most advanced gamemode we have ever worked on. That, along with the fact that there are currently two active team members, with two less active team members, result in it taking this long to complete. We want to get it done faster, but we cannot because that would result in a quality hit. Prison 2.0 will...