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Factions is a survival type of gamemode.
You can claim a chuck of land so that you can make a base. Be careful! People can raid/attack you!!! You can be attacked in any
place except Spawn, SafeZone, and your own base!
You can mine monster spawners with pickaxes that have silk touch!
To buy/sell items do /warp shop, then right click the item frames!
When you log out when PvPing you die, and lose your items.
When you raid you have to use techniques to attack a base, but remember you can explode Obsidian!
Mcmmo is a RPG kind of plugin where you get levels for doing specific stuff! It adds techniques. Each time you level up you get more powerful!
Bounty is a plugin where you can set bounties on people, whoever kills the person who got killed gets money.
TnT Sweep
TnT Sweep is a plugin where the TnT clears after a restart. Anything that was about to explode is going to be gone.
TravelYou can claim a chuck of land so that you can make a base. Be careful! People can raid/attack you!!! You can be attacked in any
place except Spawn, SafeZone, and your own base!
You can mine monster spawners with pickaxes that have silk touch!
To buy/sell items do /warp shop, then right click the item frames!
When you log out when PvPing you die, and lose your items.
When you raid you have to use techniques to attack a base, but remember you can explode Obsidian!
Mcmmo is a RPG kind of plugin where you get levels for doing specific stuff! It adds techniques. Each time you level up you get more powerful!
Bounty is a plugin where you can set bounties on people, whoever kills the person who got killed gets money.
TnT Sweep
TnT Sweep is a plugin where the TnT clears after a restart. Anything that was about to explode is going to be gone.
To go to spawn: /spawn
To warp to PvP: /warp pvp
To warp to shop: /warp shop
To warp to wild: /warp wild
To warp to shop: /warp shop
To warp to wild: /warp wild
To see how much money you have: /money
To see how how much money someone else has: /money <name>
To see the top money: /money top
To send money: /money send <player>
To rankup: /rankupTo see how how much money someone else has: /money <name>
To see the top money: /money top
To send money: /money send <player>
To start an action: /auc start <How many items you have> <The starting price> <The increase of price> <The time for the auction>
Ex: /auc start 64 10 10 60
To bid on a auction: /bid
To bid on a auction: /bid
To set a home: /sethome <name>
To see the list of homes: /home
To delete a home: /delhome <name>
To pay someone: /pay <name>
To see your balance: /balance OR /money
To see the warp list: /warps
To tpa to someone: /tpa <name>
To accepted a tpa request: /tpaccept
To Deny a tpa request: /tpdeny
To delete a home: /delhome <name>
To pay someone: /pay <name>
To see your balance: /balance OR /money
To see the warp list: /warps
To tpa to someone: /tpa <name>
To accepted a tpa request: /tpaccept
To Deny a tpa request: /tpdeny
Player Vaults
To look at your player vault: /pv <number>
To see your stats: /mcstats
To see your skills level: /<Skill name>
To see the top skills: /mctop <Skill name> <page>
To see info of another player: /inspect <player>
To create a party: /party create <name>
To join a party: /party join <name>
To leave the party: /party leave
To toggle party chat: /party chat
To invite players into your party: /party invite <player>
To accept party invite: /party accept
To teleport to a party member: /party tp
To lock/unlock party: /party <lock:unlock>
To set a party password: /party password <password>
To kick a person from your party: /party kick <player>
To set a party leader: /party leader <player>
To delete your party: /party disband
To share xp in your party: /party xpshare
To share items with your party: /party itemshare
To see the list of factions: /f list
To chage the Faction List pages: /f list <pagenumber>
To see your faction info: /f who OR /f show
To see someone else's faction info: /f who <name> OR /f show <name>
To see your power: /f power
To see someone else's power: /f power <player>
To join a faction: /f join <Name of faction> OR /f join <Name of player>
To leave a faction: /f leave
To toggle faction chat: /f c OR /f chat
To toggle alliance chat: /f tac OR /f ac
To go to your Faction home: /f home
To create a Faction: /f create <Name>
To change your faction Description: /f desc <Description>
To change your faction tag: /f tag <Faction tag>
To toggle if you need an invitation to join your factions: /f open
To invite a player into your faction: /f invite <player>
To remove invitation: /f deinvite <player>
To set your faction home: /f sethome
To claim a chunk of land: /f claim
To claim with a radius of land: /f claim <radius>
To autoclaim land: /f autoclaim
To unclaim land: /f unclaim
To unclaim all of your land: /f unclaimeall
To kick someone from your faction: /f kick <player>
To give or remove moderator permissions: /f mod <name>
To give or remove administrator permissions: /f admin <name>
To change someones titles: /f title <player> <title>
To show faction scoreboard: /f sb
To show player's status's: /f s
To show faction map: /f map
To auto show the map: /f map on
To turn off auto show map: /f map off
To set ownership to a player: /f owner <name>
To see the list of owners: /f ownerlist
To get rid of your faction: /f disband
To ally a faction: /f ally <Faction Name>
To neutral a faction: /f neutral <faction name>
To enemy a faction: /f enemy <faction name>
To chage the Faction List pages: /f list <pagenumber>
To see your faction info: /f who OR /f show
To see someone else's faction info: /f who <name> OR /f show <name>
To see your power: /f power
To see someone else's power: /f power <player>
To join a faction: /f join <Name of faction> OR /f join <Name of player>
To leave a faction: /f leave
To toggle faction chat: /f c OR /f chat
To toggle alliance chat: /f tac OR /f ac
To go to your Faction home: /f home
To create a Faction: /f create <Name>
To change your faction Description: /f desc <Description>
To change your faction tag: /f tag <Faction tag>
To toggle if you need an invitation to join your factions: /f open
To invite a player into your faction: /f invite <player>
To remove invitation: /f deinvite <player>
To set your faction home: /f sethome
To claim a chunk of land: /f claim
To claim with a radius of land: /f claim <radius>
To autoclaim land: /f autoclaim
To unclaim land: /f unclaim
To unclaim all of your land: /f unclaimeall
To kick someone from your faction: /f kick <player>
To give or remove moderator permissions: /f mod <name>
To give or remove administrator permissions: /f admin <name>
To change someones titles: /f title <player> <title>
To show faction scoreboard: /f sb
To show player's status's: /f s
To show faction map: /f map
To auto show the map: /f map on
To turn off auto show map: /f map off
To set ownership to a player: /f owner <name>
To see the list of owners: /f ownerlist
To get rid of your faction: /f disband
To ally a faction: /f ally <Faction Name>
To neutral a faction: /f neutral <faction name>
To enemy a faction: /f enemy <faction name>
To see the list of kits: /kit
To get a kit: /kit <name>
To trade with a player: /trade <name>
(You can also shift and right click to trade with a person)
To accept a request: /trade accept
To deny a request: /trade deny
Kit List
ToolsIron Sword, Iron Pickaxe, Iron Axe, Iron Shovel, Iron Hoe, Iron Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots, 16 Steak, 8 Gold Apples, Boy with Power 1, 16 wood, 1 Oak Sappling, and 32 Arrows.
SquireIron Sword with Sharpness 5, Iron Helmet with Protection 2, Iron Chestplate with Protection 2, Iron Leggings with Protection 2, Iron Boots with Protection 2, and 10 Steak.
GuardIron Sword Sharpness 6, Iron Helmet with Protection 3 Iron Chestplate with Protection 3. Iron Leggings with Protection 3, Iron Boots with Protection 3, and 16 Steak.
KnightIron Sword Sharpness 7, Iron Helmet with Protection 4 Iron Chestplate with Protection 4. Iron Leggings with Protection 4, Iron Boots with Protection 4, and 16 Steak.
Iron Sword Sharpness 8, Iron Helmet with Protection 5 Iron Chestplate with Protection 5. Iron Leggings with Protection 5, Iron Boots with Protection 5, and 16 Steak.
If you have any problems with factions. Please contact lizardfreak321, tspringst33n, DJDan, and BlasterBlade. Or simply this page.
The Documentations For the rest of the Servers are listed here:
Global, Hub, Factions, KitPvP, Prison, HungerGames, Creative, Survival, MiniGames, TurfWars, UHC, and Bridges.
The Documentations For the rest of the Servers are listed here:
Global, Hub, Factions, KitPvP, Prison, HungerGames, Creative, Survival, MiniGames, TurfWars, UHC, and Bridges.
- Published:
- Sep 24, 2015
- Page Views:
- 1,585