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Comments on Profile Post by _xNinjaPotatox_

  1. KingDaggerX_
    Please don't start spamming.....
    Nov 4, 2016
  2. rJayT2
    Have I discuss finish? IDK... Finish of what and discuss what?

    Sorry, that's about as legible as your message.
    Nov 4, 2016
  3. _xNinjaPotatox_
    I meant my appeal@ rJayT2.. Was wondering if you guys have finish discussing about it as lizard told me is gettin accepted. So i was like wondering when well it be.
    Nov 5, 2016
  4. MakerKitty
    Hint: The more you ask, the less likely it would be accepted or the longer it will take.
    Nov 11, 2016
    steelersrule234 and rJayT2 like this.