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Paste - Class in net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore
This class is used to paste a saved rollbackcore copy file.
Paste(int, int, int, World, String, ArrayList<Paste>, CommandSender) - Constructor for class net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore.Paste
The legacy constructor for backwards compatibility.
Paste(Location, String, CommandSender, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore.Paste
Used to create a new paste operation instance that can be used to paste the file.
paste(Player, String) - Static method in class net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore.Rollback
Used to allow players to paste a saved copy where their worldedit region is.
pasteDistributed(int, int, int, World, String, CommandSender) - Static method in class net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore.Rollback
Ever since version 2.0, due to the performance improvements this method is no longer needed. Only use it for backwards compatibility if your plugin used distributed pastes.
PasteEndEvent - Class in
Called when a Paste operation completes.
PasteEndEvent(Paste, long, long, EndStatus) - Constructor for class
playerCreateWatchDog(Player) - Static method in class net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore.WatchDogRegion
Allows a player to create a watchdog region using their worldedit region.
playerExport(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore.WatchDogRegion
Used to allow a player to export the watchdog(s) the player is in.
playerRemove(CommandSender) - Static method in class net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore.WatchDogRegion
Used to allow a player to export the watchdog(s) the player is in.
playerRollback(CommandSender) - Static method in class net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore.WatchDogRegion
Used to allow a player to rollback the watchdog(s) the player is in.
progressiveClearEntities() - Method in class net.shadowxcraft.rollbackcore.ClearEntities
Starts the clear entities operation.
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