Comments on Profile Post by xMineral_TM

  1. tommydragon619
    That was kinda unexpected.
    How i got my name in the first place was;
    i was asking my brother for a name and he said bob when i typed i spelt it wrong... idek how u can spell 'bob' wrong... but yh decided it was a genious idea and kept it.
    Probably gonna think about this choice on a minecraft game for the rest of my life like 'wtf was i doing'
    Jun 12, 2018
  2. tommydragon619
    One problem with the name though... people *probably below 12* kept taking one of the 'b's' out...
    Jun 12, 2018
    xMineral_TM likes this.
  3. xMineral_TM
    I think I did that once or twice
    Jun 12, 2018
  4. tommydragon619
    You're lucky the server does not promote swearing.
    Jun 12, 2018
  5. Ultidesne
    it's a christian server
    Aug 31, 2018
  6. tommydragon619
    You vile pagon you shall suffer consequences of cringe
    Aug 31, 2018