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Blahtv, Blah Awesomness, And Blah!

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS' started by blahtv, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. blahtv

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    Aug 6, 2015
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    Local Time:
    12:02 AM
    Hey everyone, I'm Blahtv, and I found this server probably in September of last year. At first I was a cracked player, and I was new to minecraft. Then, when I found this server out (back when they didn't have UHC, the new hub, Minigames) I started familiarizing with Minecraft and it's mechanics. Back when I first started playing, I mostly spent time on Survival. Then, when I created my youtube channel, my friends starting joining in to, all being cracked players as well. Sooner or later, most of us bought our minecraft accounts, and started getting better and better at minecraft. My youtube channel had expanded fairly rapidly, until I stopped uploading for a while, which then slowed my channel activity, then I stopped playing Minecraft as much, as I found other games. Now, ever since this summer, I have returned playing minecraft and started uploading on my youtube channel again. I've been meeting new faces on Shadowxcraft now, and have turned from a simple survival minecraft person, to a PVPing, parkouring Minecraft Player.
  2. indigocean

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    Retired Legend

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Local Time:
    1:02 AM
    Hey Blah, remember we met the other day in kit :D It was nice to meet you!!!
    Lets pvp sometime :p and Good Luck with your youtube channel:cool::cool::cool:

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