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Things You Should Know Before Applying For Staff

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xMineral_TM, Jun 20, 2017.


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  1. xMineral_TM

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    Aug 13, 2015
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    4:37 PM
    So a while ago, I began to notice that a lot of players on the server are asking one question, a very annoying one: "How to apply for staff?"

    So I spent a good portion of the day going through some applications, and watching these players' behavior.
    I am afraid to say the results of my "research" aren't very pleasing.
    Here's what I noticed:

    1. Most of these players are new and have no idea how to apply in the first place, so they keep annoying staff about something they will probably never get.
    2. After watching the behavior of those who want to join staff ranks, I noticed how immature they are, I also noticed how they get angry pretty quickly at pvp, showing that they cannot handle simple situations like that, so how can they handle the prestigious staff ranks?
    3. Although these players are new, they show absolutely no sign of helpfulness or friendliness. the only thing they'd talk about is how to get staff ranks.

    And so, I'm giving these players some information they must keep in mind before applying:

    1. Although you are new to the server, and you don't know anyone, try to be friendly, even to those who reject you.
    2. Maturity is NEEDED. Nothing else needs to be said, want to know how to be mature? Here's some help http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Mature.
    3. Make friends, it is essential to have some support when applying. Making enemies is not recommended, try to be friendly and stay out of toxic topics.
    4. Follow the rules, just, follow the damn rules: https://www.shadowxcraft.net/player-rules
    5. Keep in mind that the time needed to be approved might take a while, can take up to months, please be patient and do not ask staff about your application, annoying them will not help your case.
    6. Try minimalizing the amount of punishments you recieve, a clean punishment list is always helpful, keep in mind staff WILL go through this list and see what you got punished for, which will affect their judgement.
    7. TeamSpeak counts too ! Therefore, rules do apply there.
    8. Do you feel like you are not ready yet? No problem, ask staff to lock your application, you can also re-open it anytime you want.
    9. Accept hate and criticism. If someone replies to your application saying something nasty, ignore it, and let staff take care of it. Make sure nothing affects you at this point.
    10. Look ahead, are you going to be active in the future? How helpful are you and how do you think you can help the server? That's up to you.
    11. You cannot apply if you don't have a legitimate Premium account, don't even try without it.
    Thanks for reading! I hope this helps you out, and of course, good luck to anyone that applies for staff.
    #1 xMineral_TM, Jun 20, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
    Bobob, KyleTrends, Ultidesne and 4 others like this.
  2. KurtTheFruit

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    Staff Member Builder

    Aug 21, 2015
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    11:37 PM
    Bobob and xMineral_TM like this.

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